Simple Fruit Bouquet


Simple Fruit Bouquet


Simple Fruit Bouquet

Edible fruit arrangements are easier to make than you think! Perfect for any gift-giving occasion, this Simple Fruit Bouquet is great to welcome new neighbors, congratulate a recently-engaged office mate, or even for those "just because" occasions. The craft is easy and inexpensive; all you need is some fresh fruit, skewers, floral foam, and a pot. Best of all, the fruit bouquet is an edible gift that's delicious and also healthy. Your neighbors, office mates, friends, and family will love to receive this DIY Fruit Bouquet.

Estimated Cost$21-$30

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Main MaterialStyrofoam


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I was able to make this fruit bouquet for a sick friend. This is actually one way to make your presents unique and special for all occasions. During holidays, this could be served as your desert.

I never thought to do this before, how come? I am always looking for something special to give my diabetic family members instead of all the candy and treats during the holidays. This is a perfect idea. We just moved closer to family, so I know what I am doing this holiday season. Maybe for a few summer holidays too. Great idea!!!


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